Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ho-o-o-ome . . .

A parting shot with the
neighbor's dog
The trip home.  Wow. 

Not only did we spend about nine hours driving across Panama through two thunderstorms (which made it all the more difficult for hubby to see where he was going)....

Not only does the Panama City airport have the craziest rental car return system we've ever seen (just pull up to the curb somewhere near the arrivals area, where everyone and their dog is trying to leave, go in and get someone from the rental car company -- our guy didn't speak English -- and have him check the car over, right there in the midst of the madness . . . it was just nuts).

Not only did our first flight get delayed by an hour and a half -- leaving at 3:30am instead of 2am....

Not only did we wait in ridiculously long, slow-moving lines to get through customs at Ft. Lauderdale . . . with one scary-looking idiot leaving his bag unattended at the beginning of each loop of the line maze, even after the airport official specifically told another woman nearby, loudly and clearly, not to do that and reminded her of all the reasons why that was dangerous to herself (someone could put something in there that you would take the rap for) and everyone else (he'd have to clear the room for a bomb threat check) -- and making the rest of us sleep-deprived travelers around him very annoyed and a bit nervous about his behavior....

Not only did we miss our second flight and get moved to another airline in another terminal at Ft. Lauderdale (although I must say, we were grateful for that -- Spirit Airlines' next flight to Chicago wasn't until 4pm)....

Not only did THAT flight get delayed for two and a half hours....

Not only did we have to go through security three different times .....

Not only did we spend hours and hours hanging out in two different airports, trying unsuccessfully to get at least a little sleep....

Not only did we arrive in Chicago right in the middle of rush hour....

Not only did hubby then drive another eight or nine hours straight -- through two more thunderstorms....

But WOULD YOU BELIEVE -- at 1:30 in the morning, at a Shell station just outside of Omaha, we just happened to run into . . . the Ferneaus!!  Our Sioux City friends who just moved a few weeks ago to Burlington, Iowa.  They were rushing back to Sioux City because their oldest daughter is about to have their first grandchild.  But can you believe that??  The Ferneaus -- at a gas station in Omaha -- at 1:30am.  It was positively surreal.

In any case, we arrived home at about 3am after about 42 hours of straight travel with very little sleep, and we spent yesterday recovering.  I expect today will be a recovery day as well. 

And yet, not a single Kandt head was bitten off during the entire 42-hour ordeal.  Wow.  That's the real story.

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