My Pravachol prescription ran out a little while ago (that’s
a cholesterol med, if you didn’t know).
My doctor wouldn’t call in a renewal for the prescription because he said
I’m due for more bloodwork to check my cholesterol. Well, maybe so. But I explained to his office folk our
situation and asked if he could extend that prescription a little bit longer,
just until we’re covered by someone again.
He graciously called in a 90-day extension.

I really do like my doctor.
He’s kind, gracious, and attentive.
I genuinely enjoy my visits with him.
But 10 minutes to hear him say, “Yep, the stuff still works,” and have
him hand me a signed half-sheet of paper to take to the Target pharmacy – I
doubt that’s worth $129. And frankly,
knowing my doctor, I bet he would agree with me.
If you were following our Panama trip adventures, you read
that we each got our teeth cleaned in Boquete for $40. $120 total.
That $120 would have paid for one cleaning by our dentist (whom
we love) here in Sioux City without the insurance coverage.
Yes, folks we need health care reform. But before my liberal friends start their
victory dance, I’ll clarify that I still don’t believe Obamacare is the change
we all need. Obamacare strikes me as
trying to kill a fly with a Hummer: it may get the job done, but not without
causing a lot of other damage that would be a lot worse. I just heard a statistic that some 70% of American physicians are considering leaving the profession once Obamacare goes into full force. Now, granted, that number may be skewed high for political purposes, and most of that 70% wouldn't actually end up leaving anyway. But if even 20% of them leave, we're screwed.
I give the man credit for forcing the country
to deal with the issue – Congress had kept it on the back burner for too long –
but this was not the way to do it. How should we do it?
Sorry, I don’t have that answer. But
I pray we will have the sense to recognize a cure that’s worse than the
disease. In the meantime, I guess I’ll be
finding out what my cholesterol is like these days without Pravachol. I've been wanting to know anyway.
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