Exodus passage in BSF last week, with the killing of the three
thousand Hebrew rebels – there was something else in that passage
that troubled me.
Moses actually descends the mountain and sees the golden calf and the
revelry going on, God tells him what's happening. And God makes him
an offer: I'll annihilate this stiff-necked people and start over
with you. I'll make YOU a great nation. Whaddya say?
Moses turns Him down and instead pleads for the people (later, he even offers himself to be destroyed in their place). And our
lesson presented this as a test of Moses' spiritual leadership.
Again, I'll have to study on that. Again, I assume that
interpretation comes from principles found elsewhere in scripture
because that take on the event is not explicit there in Exodus.
troubling things here: I was disturbed by the idea that God was
saying he was willing to break his promise to Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob – the promise that Israel would be great and would live in
the Promised Land and be His people. God doesn't break promises.
the scripture says that after Moses spoke on the people's behalf,
“the Lord relented.” He gave in. He
changed his mind.
the part that I struggle with most.
God had in mind one action and then shifted to a different action,
one of those actions wasn't “his perfect will”, yes? But there is
ample evidence in the Bible that the prayers of His people have an
effect on God – that he may do something different based on those
prayers. I'm never exactly sure how that can be.
once in a while, I get a glimpse of understanding of this idea. I
once read (or heard – don't remember which) an analogy about a ship
crossing the Atlantic. The captain of that ship is in full control of
where the ship is going. The end destination is determined. But the
passengers have a lot of leeway about where they go and what they do
while on that ship headed toward their destination.
hints at the truth, but doesn't quite sum it up. I don't think we can
ever completely sum it up in our human understanding. This is one of
those great mysteries that we may never quite understand about God.
if, again, we go back to the fact that God's primary purpose is
re-establishing relationship with us, I can, again, get a glimpse of
some understanding. Somehow, some way, God in His infinite power and
wisdom has worked it out that my prayers – my reaching out to Him
to acknowledge Him as who He is and ask for Him to act on His justice
and mercy and wisdom in my world – MY PRAYERS can make things
happen. He worked it out so the action He wants me to take to build
that relationship also works to accomplish His will in the world.
Jesus changed his mind. He initially told the Samaritan woman that the children's food should not be fed to the dogs, but she, in a quick witted way, pointed out that even the dogs catch the crumbs beneath the table. He also relented and performed a healing based on her faith. Perhaps you could look at God that way....that humans Faith plays a role, that somehow we are co-creators with God...have you heard the saying that "Without God, we cannot and Without us, God will not"? I find that in the same vein when I think about it. Thanks for the thought provoking discussion.
Beyond me. I'm so far past 'what if' that the idea of God changing his mind is unfathomable. What is, is. What will be, will be. The idea of God changing his mind is simply playing with narrative perspective...perspective that I don't have. So I have to fall back to 'who holds the future.'
I understand that this is simply one floor up from rank Stoicism, but that's all I've got.
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