By faith, Enoch was
taken from this life so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found because God had taken
him away.” For before he was taken, he
was commended as one who pleased God.
And without faith it is impossible to please God, for anyone who comes
to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek
him. (Heb 11:5-6)
So, here is that key passage about needing faith to please
God. And it even gives us more on the
nature of that faith: believing that God exists and that he rewards those who
earnestly seek him. It’s not enough to acknowledge that, “Yeah, there must be a
God”. As Paul reminds us, even the
demons know there is a God. We must seek
him, desire to know him, with the expectation that this knowledge will be
rewarding. It pleases God that we
recognize him as generous – as one who returns blessing to us for our efforts
to know him.

And the example we’re given of this is Enoch, that enigmatic
character from the begats in Genesis 5. Enoch was the sixth generation after
Adam, but because of the length of life spans in the beginning, his relatively
brief life was all while Adam was still alive. Presumably, he was able to talk to Adam
himself, hear the first man’s story about God and the garden and the fall. Interesting that the words distinguishing
Enoch from the other patriarchs are the same words describing the nature of
Adam and Eve’s relationship with God in the garden: they walked
with God.
Genesis tells us that Enoch does not die but is simply taken
away by God. Enoch, who “walked with
God”. He was taken away because of his
faith, Hebrews tells us – because he believed and hoped in something he had not
yet seen. Perhaps heard of, through
Adam, but not yet seen.
I have the advantage over Enoch. I have seen people who, I believe, were
walking with God. I have observed the
difference in their lives; it was what brought me back to the faith when I
wandered. Enoch had nothing but a
recounting of Adam’s memory of the experience – yet it was enough to give him
faith that such an experience could exist.
And not just to believe it, but to seek it out for himself. It apparently pleased God that Enoch
recognized him as worthy of seeking out.
And Enoch was rewarded for his earnest seeking – with an intimate
relationship with God that did not end in death.
Lord, help me believe that You can satisfy more than the
petty, worthless things I seek here on earth.
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